Date: April 12-13, 2024
Location: Incheon National University, Building 2, Faculty Hall, Room 305
Topic: Analyzing Global Issues through Social Media and Big Data: The Role of Industrial Mathematical Approaches & Techniques
Host: World Association of Triple Helix Future Strategy (WATEF)
Sponsor: Cyber Emotion Research Center (CERC) at Yeungnam University
Supported by: Incheon National University, Graduate School of Education at Incheon National University, National Research Foundation of Korea
Key contents:
- Presentation of seminars both domestically and internationally.
- Exploration of networking and collaborative research methods among members of the academic society.
- Deliberation among all participants and derivation of future development strategies for the academic society.
DAY 1 – Program Guide
April 12 | Activities |
14:00PM-14:30PM | Conference Registration (Room 305, 2nd Building, Faculty Hall) |
14:30PM-15:00PM |
Opening Ceremony Welcome Address: Chang Gyu Whan (Dean of the College of Education and Director of the Graduate School of Education, Incheon National University) Organizer: Nam Inyong (President of WATEF) |
15:00PM-15:20PM |
Twitter Analysis of the South Korea-Japan Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute from Social Media Diplomacy Perspective Park Jang Hyo, Cyber Emotions Research Center, Department of East Asian Cultural Studies, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, 38541, Discussant: Park Jongmun (Expert member of Yeongnam Daily Newspaper) |
15:20PM – 15:40PM |
A Comparative Study of Government and Local Government Websites of ‘East Asian Cultural Cities Chae Song Ah , Department of East Asian Cultural Studies, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, 38541, Discussant: Kim Sungyeun (Incheon National University, Associate Professor) |
15:40PM – 16:00PM |
Decoding the relationship of Artificial Intelligence, Advertising and Generative Models *Published in MDPI Journal – Digital – Lim Camille, Department of Media and Communications, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan-si 38541, Republic of Korea, (Presentor) – Yu Peng Zhu, School of Journalism and Communication, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China, – Muhammad Omar, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur 63101, Pakistan, – Park Han Woo, Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs of Digital Convergence Business, East Asian Cultural Studies, Cyber Emotions Research Center, Big Local Big Pulse Lab, Department of Media and Communication, YeungNam University, Gyeongsan-si 38541, Republic of Korea, Discussant: Kim Sungyeun (Incheon National University, Associate Professor) |
16:00PM – 16:20PM |
A Study on the Analysis of Korean Image in Chinese News Reports Using Big Data Liu Chunli, Pukyong National University Bao Wenhua, Pukyong National University Liu Yue, Pukyong National University Discussant: Park Han Woo (Yeungnam University, Professor) |
16:20PM – 16:40PM |
Hallyu (Korean Wave) and Perception of Korea in Vietnam Chung Sae Won (Pukyong National University) Yoon Sungwon (Suwon University) Discussant: Nam Inyong (Pukyong National University, Professor) |
16:40PM – 17:00PM |
The Influence of International Brand Campuses on Regional University Research Networks: The Case of Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Pieter Stek, Asia School of Business, Malaysia. Discussant: Park Jongmun (Expert member of Yeongnam Daily Newspaper) |
17:00PM – 17:20PM |
Differences in Grit and Self-Esteem According to the Latent Profiles of Parenting Styles: Focusing on Elementary and Middle School Students Park Hyesung (Postdoctoral Researcher, Incheon National University) Kim Seongyeon (Incheon National University) Discussant: Jung Jinmin (University of Iowa, Ph.D. candidate) |
17:20PM – 17:40PM |
Case Study of Developing Evaluation Models for High School Mathematics Using Assessment Engineering: Based on the CAFA System Jung Jinmin (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Iowa) Kim Seongyeon (Incheon National University) Discussant: Park Hyesung (Postdoctoral Researcher, Incheon National University) |
17:40PM – 18:00PM |
Closing Ceremony Closing Remarks: Kim Sungyeun (Associate Professor, Incheon National University, Organizing Committee Chair) |
Day 2: Program Guide
April 13 | Activities |
9:00AM – 10:00AM | Breakfast Orakai Hotel |
10:00AM – 11:00PM | Round Table Connections: EU-KOREA Paola Di Maio, IGDORE (Institute for Global Distributed Research and Education) Goteborg Sweden, Discussant: Nam Inyong (Pukyong National University, Professor) |
11:00AM – 12:00 PM | Incheon National University Campus Tour |
12:00PM – 13:30PM | Lunch Break |
13:30PM | Incheon Free Economic Zone & Chinatown Tour |
15:00PM | End of Program |
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