
Call for Papers: Connections

Connections – An INSNA Journal

Call for papers

Do you have ideas for a network paper that might not fit in traditional journal outlets? Perhaps an early stage idea, a highly focused essay, a discussion of best or novel practices, a review of a statistical package, an opinion about the future of the field, a novel methodology, etc. We encourage you to consider Connections. Some of the most impactful work appearing in Connections has fit this mold. See, for example, Freeman (1996) on the history of network analysis; Batagelj and Mrvar (1998) introducing the Pajek software package; Borgatti, Jones and Everett (1993) on defining social capital; Krebs (2002) analyzing terrorist networks; Carley. Lee and Krackhardt (2002) on destabilizing networks; Park (2003) hyperlink analysis; Kapucu (2005) on emergency response networks; Kleinbaum and Quintane (2011) on the merits of email data; and Healey (2017) on governance.

Guide for authors

Generally, we are interested in conceptual, empirical, methodological, application or teaching-based manuscripts related to social networks. This includes shorter methodological or empirical notes that would benefit the field as well as ideas that are early in their development. 


Please submit your work using the online manuscript management system

On acceptance, Connections articles are made available online directly. Articles are not normally packaged into issues. We are accepting submissions now and until further notice.

About Connections

As an official journal of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Connections aims to reflect the ever-growing and continually expanding community of scholars using network analytic techniques. The research spans many disciplines and domains including: Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Communication, Economics, Organizational Behavior, Knowledge Management, Marketing, Social Psychology, Mathematics, Public Health, Medicine, Computer Science, and Policy. This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. Connections is a peer-reviewed journal.

Further information

Please contact Dan Halgin or Steve Borgatti for more information.


Batagelj, V., & Mrvar, A. (1998). Pajek-program for large network analysis. Connections21(2), 47-57.

Borgatti, S. P., Jones, C., & Everett, M. G. (1998). Network measures of social capital. Connections21(2), 27-36.

Carley, K. M., Lee, J. S., & Krackhardt, D. (2002). Destabilizing networks. Connections24(3), 79-92.

Freeman, L. C. (1996). Some antecedents of social network analysis. Connections19(1), 39-42.

Healey, P. (2017). Transforming governance: Challenges of institutional adaptation and a new politics of space. In Connections (pp. 357-374). Routledge.

Kapucu, N. (2005). Interorganizational coordination in dynamic context: Networks in emergency response management. Connections26(2), 33-48.

Krebs, V. E. (2002). Mapping networks of terrorist cells. Connections24(3), 43-52.

Park, H. W. (2003). Hyperlink network analysis: A new method for the study of social structure on the web. Connections25(1), 49-61.